Merit Board Rules and Regulations

The Cook County Sheriff’s Merit Board, consisting of nine (9) members, was established in conformance with the provisions of Chapter 55 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes.  The Board by virtue of the authority vested in them by Statute may conduct tests which may consist of a written examination, physical ability test and any other examination or process the Merit Board deems necessary to establish a Certified roster of candidates for the positions of Correctional Officer and Deputy Sheriff.  The Merit Board further conducts promotional examinations for positions within the Sheriff’s Police Department, Department of Corrections and Department of Court Services. Those qualifying for consideration for promotion in these Divisions are certified and referred to the Sheriff who upon further review will effect the actual hiring and promotion of individuals as needed from the Certified roster of Candidates. The Board has statutory authority to conduct hearings on disciplinary matters involving Police Officers, Correctional Officers and Deputy Sheriffs subsequent to their one year probationary period. The Board’s jurisdiction applies when the Sheriff files written charges requesting demotion in rank or separation from service. Prior to the amendment of 55 ILCS 5/3 on August 17, 2018, the Sheriff could also file written charges requesting disciplinary suspensions in excess of thirty (30) days.

The Merit System affords Employees of the Sheriff’s Department certified, tenured status.  It gives the Board discretionary rights to select and conduct tests for applicants as well as establish requisites of education, training, and experience.  The Board is empowered to change, modify or replace these provisions by resolution on majority vote of the Board.

Merit Board Members

John J. DalicandroChairman
Byron BrazierVice-Chairman
Vincent T. WintersSecretary
Kimberly Pate GoddenBoard Member
Terrence J. WalshBoard Member
Marla M. KaidenBoard Member
Wade Ingram, Sr.Board Member
James J. SextonBoard Member
Robert F. HoganHearing Officer